Written by: Shaykh Muhammad al-Amine Ibrahim Niasse
Translated by: Sidi Hamzah Raza (for Professor Ousmane Kane)
Shaykha Marieme Niasse is the daughter of the Senegalese Muslim scholar Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, and an accomplished scholar and teacher in her own right, having been included in the Jordanian Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre’s list of the world’s 500 most influential Muslims. Her career as a teacher has spanned six decades, and she established several schools in Dakar, Senegal, from which thousands of students have graduated.
This ode was written by Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin Ibrahim Niasse on the occasion of Shaykha Marieme’s return from Mecca in 1990, and it continues to be recited by students in her schools after each congregational prayer.
Ahlan wa sahlan ummanā * yā shamsanā ya ḍḥillanā
yā badranā yā ʿizzanā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
Welcome here, O mother of ours
O sun of ours, O shade of ours
O moon of ours, O pride of ours
O welcome, O welcome!
Maryamu bintu Shaykhinā * bushrā lanā idh ji-tinā
jā-assurūru wal hanā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
Marieme, the daughter of our Shaykh
What a glad tiding to us is your arrival
Joy and happiness have arrived
O welcome, O welcome!
anti ḥabībatun lanā * antil latī tusʿidunā
wa-anti qudwatun lanā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
You are beloved to us
You are the one who gladdens us
And you are a living examplar for us
O welcome, O welcome!
ḥajajti bayta rabbinā * zurti kadhā nabīyanā
bushrāki mā asʿadanā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
You made hajj to our Lord’s house
Likewise you visited our Prophet
Glad tidings to you—how happy we are!
O welcome, O welcome!
yaḥfaḍḥukil mawlā lanā * fī ṣiḥḥatin wafī ghinā
ḥattā tuḥaqqiqil munā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
May our Lord preserve you for us
In good health and wealth
Until you reach your aims
O welcome, O welcome!
dārul qur-āni dārunā * fīhā darasnā dīnanā
baʿda kitābi rabbinā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
Dar al-Quran is our home
In it we have studied our religion
After studying our Lord’s scripture
O welcome, O welcome!
dīnur rashādi wal hudā * dīnul ʿafāfi wal jadā
qad fāza man bihih tadā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
The religion of integrity and guidance
The religion of virtue and generosity
Successful is the one who is guided by it
O welcome, O welcome!
khāliqunā ikhtārahū * wakhtāra ṭāhā ḥibbahū
bushrā liman yuṭīʿuhū * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
Our Creator chose it
And He chose Taha, His beloved
Glad tidings to the one who follows him
O welcome, O welcome!
kitābu khāliqith tharā * khulūduhū lā yumtarā
fuznā bihī ʿalal warā * yā marḥaban yā marḥabā
The scripture of the Creator of the Earth
His permanence is not to be doubted
By it we have succeeded over humankind
O welcome, O welcome!
yā rabbi ṣalliyan ʿalal mukhtāri * wa ālihi wa ṣahbihil akhyāri
niʿmash shafīʿul muṣṭafā wa niʿm * lil wasīlatu azaltal ghamm
O our Lord, send prayer upon the Chosen One
And upon his family and elite companions
What a blessed intercessor is the Chosen One, and a
Blessed intermediary of mine—you rid us of worry
āmīn āmīn yā rabbal ʿālamīn
Amen Amen O Lord of the Worlds
• Dar al-Quran = The name of the school founded by Shaykha Marieme
Translated by: Sidi Hamzah Raza (for Professor Ousmane Kane)
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Text Catalogue👇🏼👇🏼
• Section A: English Only [1 to 16]
• Section B: English & Arabic [17 to 32]
• Section C: Arabic Only [33 to 72]
1. Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky” [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]
2. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]
3. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]
4. New Life Through Sufism (An Introductory Approach to Sufism) [by Shaikh Zikrullah Okukayode Yekeen]
5. Pure Hearted (Al Qalb as-Salīm) [by Balogun Babatunde (Ubaidullah Alli)]
6. Handbook for every Tijaniyyat [by Shaikh Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi]
7. Practical Guide on the Wird(Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent Handbook)-(Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
8. In the Meadows of Tafsir for the Noble Quran (Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qur’ān al-Karīm) by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī) - English Translation[1 Volume]
9. Durratu Tāj (The Crown Jewel and Fundamental Needs of the Murid, Regarding the Essentials of the Rules & Requirements of the Tariqa Tijaniyyah Spiritual Path): A Concise Instructional Handbook/Pamphlet), by Abdul-Karīm ibn al-Arabī [Translated by Shaikh Hassan Cisse & Alhaji Lawal]
10. Facts about Sufism (by Sayyid Ismaheel Abdulrauf)
11. Jawāhir al-Ma’ānī wa Bulūgh al-Amānī fī Fayd Sīdi Abī-l ‘Abbās at-Tijānī (Jewels of Meanings and the Attainment of Aspirations in the Spiritual Flood of Abu l Abbas Tijānī) by Sīdī ‘Aliyyu Harāzim Berrada -English Translation [Vol 1]
12. The Qualities and Uses of Zamzam Water (A Scientific & Islamic Exploration) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye
13. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)
14. Understanding the Concept of Will-Making in Islam (Fee Manzoori-l-Islam) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye
15. Shaykh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path
16. Sayyida Fatima Zahara (The Rose)
17. Majmū’at ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse’ (Arabic text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]
18. Al-Yaaqutatul Fareeda Fii Tariqatul Tijaniyyah (The Unique Ruby in the Tijaniya Spiritual Path), by Sheikh Muhammad Nazifi (R.A)...Translated by Sayyidi Jafaru Ibrahim
19. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega (Hausa-Ajami text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]
20. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference -(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
21. Mawlud lectures of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
22. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" - (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
23. Al-khususiyyah Fi Mujadid Tariqah Tijaniyyah (The Distinguished Miracles of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass), Compiled & Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq
24. Epistle to the World [The Translation of Ayyuha-l-Walad (Dear Beloved Son)] by Imam Abu Hameed Al-Ghazaali....Translated by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye
25. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - (Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
26. Softcopy of Numerous Sufi Literature (Arabic & English) - (To be sent via CD & email/googledrive)
27. Kano Conferences by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse
28. Shaykh Inyass’ Special Prayers
29. Rūh al-Adab (Spirit of Excellent Ethics) by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse [Translated by Abdul-Quadir Okeneye]
30. At-Taiseer (Simplification): The Means of Attaining Purification Through Poetry with Allaah's Most Beautiful Names, By Shaykh El-Hajj Malick Sy [same translator]
31. Qasida al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muḥammad) by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation & Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English
32. Sufism “The Orthodox Path” (At-Tasawwuf “Minhāj al-Qawīm”) [Arabic text & English translations], by Oseni Aliu Olalekan
33. Dalā’ilu l Khayrāt - Collection of prayers upon the Prophet
a) in Plain Arabic and Warsh script” (by Shaikh Sulaiman Jazūlī) - Arabic
b) in Hafs Arabic (small size)
c) in Hafs Arabic (big size)
34. Kanzul Masūn - Collections of Prayers/Supplications (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic
35. Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) on Prophetic Eulogy (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic
36. Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad at-Tijani - Arabic
37. Jihāzu Sārih wa Sā’ihi wa Sābih wal ‘Ākiful Fālihu fī Tawajuhāt bi-Salātul Fātih (Mandate of the Praise Worshipper, the Supplicant and the Glorifier and the Profit Secluder, in the Supplications with ‘The Invocation of the Opener’) by Shaykh Muhammad Gibrima Ad-Dāghirī - *Arabic*
38. Al-Durra al-Kharida fī Shar’h al-Yāqūtat al-Farīda (‘The Unpierced Pearl’ in the Commentary of ‘The Unique Ruby’) - [Arabic, 2 Vols] by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wāhid an-Nazīfī
39. Jawāhir al-Ma’ānī wa Bulūgh al-Amānī fī Fayd Sīdi Abī-l ‘Abbās at-Tijānī (Jewels of Meanings and the Attainment of Aspirations in the Spiritual Flood of Abu l Abbas Tijānī) by Sīdī ‘Aliyyu Harāzim Berrada - Arabic [Single Vol 1/2]
40. Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qur’ān al-Karīm (In the Meadows of Tafsir/Exegesis for the Noble Quran) - by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī)—Arabic [6 Volumes]
41. Kāshif al-Ilbās (Baye Niasse) - Arabic
42. Fatihu Rabānī fīmā yahtāju ilayhi l Murīd at-Tijānī, by Muhammad ibn Abdullah at-Tijānī
43. Al-Fuyūdāt ar-Rabāniyyah fī Ma’āthar wal Awrād al-Qādiriyyah, by Sayyid al-Hajj ibn Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed al-Qādirī
44. Sa’ādat al-Anām bi Aqwāl Shaykh al-Islām
45. Al-Budūr as-Suta’i: Shar’h al-Mur’hafati-l quta’i
46. Tabsirat al-Anām fī anna-l ‘Ilma Huwa-l Imām
47. Kanzul Awliyā fī Tawassuli bi-A’azam al-Asmā’
48. Raf’u-l Malām ‘aman rafa’a wa qabada iqtidā bi-Sayyid al-Anām
49. Nujūm al-Hudā fī kawni Nabiyyinā afdala man da’ā ilā llahi wa hadā
50. Ziyādat al-Jawāhir min yawāqīt al-fāzin durari hikamin fī funūn ‘ulūm
51. Matrab as-Sāmi’een an-Nāzireen: Fī Manāqib ash-Shaykh Al-Hajj ‘Abdullah ibn Sayyid Muhammad
52. Al-Bayān wa-t Tabyīn ‘anni-t Tijāniyyati wa-t Tijāniyyīn
53. Tanbīhu-l adhkiyā’ fī kawn Ash-Shaykh At-Tijānī Khātim al-Awliyyā
54. Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb bi-Mad’h al-Mustafā al-hibb ilā Hadrat Ar-Rabb
55. Majmū’ Rihlāt Ash-Shaykh Ibrāhīm [Ar-Rihlat al-Hijaziyya al-ūlā, Nayl al-Mafāz al-awd ilā-l Hijāz, Ar-Rihlat al-Kanāriyya wal Kumāshiyya, Ar-Rihlat al-Kunākriyya]
56. Jawāhir ar-Rasā’il al-hāwī ba’ad al-‘ulūm wasīlat al-wasā’il
57. Tafsīr al-Jalālayni [by Jalāludeen al-Mahālī & Jalāludeen as-Suyūtī]
58. Tafsīr Ibn ‘Abbās (Tanwīr al-Miqbās) [by Abī Tāhir ibn Ya’aqūb Fairūzābādī]
59. Shams al-Ma’arif al-Kubrā wa Latā’if al-‘Awārif [by Imām Ahmad ibn ‘Aliyyu Al-Būnī]
60. Al-‘Ishrīniyya (Dīwān al-Wasā’il al-Mutaqabala fī mad’hi-n Nabiyyi) [by Wazīr Abdur-Rahmān al-Fāzāzī & Imām AbūBakr al-Muhīb]
61. Mukāshafat al-Qulūb [by Imām Abū-Hamīd al-Ghazzālī]
62. Ghāyatul Amānī fī Sīrat Sīdī Ahmad At-Tijānī [Compiled by Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Mada’ū Thānī]
63. Ifādatul Ahmadiyyah: Li-Mureed As-Sa’ādat al-Abadiyyah [by Sīdī Muhammad At-Tayyib As-Sufyānī]
64. Majmu’ Qasā’id al-Mawlid an-Nabawī
65. al-Irshādāt al-Rabbāniyyah bi al-Futūḥāt al-Ilāhiyyah li-Sīdī Abī-l ‘Abbās Ahmad al-Tijānī ‘alā Matn al-Hamziyyah li-Abī ‘Abdullah al-Būsayrī (The Lordly Guidance by way of Divine Illumination of Sīdī Abī-l ‘Abbās Ahmad al-Tijānī: Commentary to Text of Hamziyyah by Abu Abdullah al-Busayri) [Published by Sīdī ‘Alī Ḥarāzim Barrādah] - Arabic
66. Sirrul Asraar (by Shaikh AbdulQadir Jaylani)
67. Abu Ma’shar al Falaki (by Shaikh Abu Hayyillahi al-Marzuqi)
68. Ismu-llahi al-a’azam (by Shaikh AbdulFatai Toukhī)
69. Tansheet as Sufiyya fi’l Ahzaab al-Qaadiriyya (Shaikh Nasiru Kabara & Alfa Nda Salati)
70. Urjuzat Ruh ul Adab (Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)
71. Al-Burdat al-madeehi(Shaikh Buusayri)
72. Rūh ul-Bayān fī Tafsīr ul-Qur'ān (Sūfī Tafsir/Exegesis of the Qur'ān) - 10 Volumes [by Shaykh Ismā'īl al-Haqī al-Barūsī]
