(One of the most Prolific writers among the Sufi Scholars in the 20th Century)
Compiled by: Prof. John O. Hunwick
{with the Assistance of Prof. Razaq Abubakre, Dr. Hamidu Bobboyi, Dr. Roman Loimeier, Prof. Stefan Reichmuth and Dr. Muhammad Sani Umar)
Culled from ‘Arabic Literature of Africa (ALA), Vol.II’
Chapter of Quotes on “Abubakar Atiqu”;
Chapter 7 “Kano: Emirs and Tijânîyya Writers”, pages 287-300.
Born: 1329/1911
Died: 9 Rabî’ al-Thânnî 1394/1 May 1974
His great-grandfather fled from katsina to kano at the time of the jihad and settled in kabara ward and was a teacher of the Emir lbrahim Dabo. His grandfather Abu Bakr (d. 1309/1891) moved to Sanka ward and was a teacher of Muhammad Salga. Abu Bakr ‘Atiq was raised by his paternal grandmother’s sister, Rahma bint. ‘Abdul Malik {b.c 1277/1860}, a woman known for her piety and apparently a staunch Tijânî. He fîrst studied with her husband Isma’il b. Muhammed, known as Malam Abba, who taught him the Qur’an, the Mukhtasar of al-Akhdari, the Manzuma of al-Qurtubi, the burda of al-Busiri and the takhmis of the poem of al-Badmasi.
From him he passed on to his primary shaykh Muhammed Salga and studied a curriculum of fîqh and tawhid. In fîqh, he studied al-Muqaddima al-izziyya, the Risala of lbn Abi Zayd, Irshad al-salik of lbn ‘Askar, the Muqaddima of lbn Rushd (d. 520/1126), and part of the Mukhtasar of Khalil. In tawhid he studied the small and medium ‘aqa’id of al-Sanusi, the Dalil al-qa’id of al Awjali, al-Manhal al-‘adhb of Muhammed al-Wali al-Kashnawi and the Ida’at al-dujunna of Ahmed al-Maqqari (d.1041/1632). When Muhammed salga’s son ‘Abd Allah took over his father’s teaching role, he completed a study of the Mukhtasar with him and became his close companion and confidant and studied Arabic language with Mahmud b. al-Hasan, as well as work of tawhid, including the Nazm al-kubra of al-Tahir b. Ibrahim al-Barnawi.
His Sufi education came from Abu Bakr Mijinyawa, with whom he studied, amongst other works, the Hikam of Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah and al-Mabahith al-asliyya of Ibn al-Banna’ al-Saraqusti, a 9/15th century Sufi of Fez. From him, too, he learned the secrets of the Tijânî tariqa, though his primary initiation was from his principal shaykh Muhammad Salga, who made him a muqaddam on the advice of al-Shaykha al-Qari’a Khadija during her visit to Kano of 1353/1934-5. Other Tijânî ijazas (licences) were garnered from the following: Abu Bakr Mijinyawa, Sh. Muhammad al-Alami, Mulay Abd al-Rahman al-Tinbukti, the sharif [Sa‘id] Bin Umar, a descendant of Ahmad al-Tijânî who visited Kano in 1949, in the course of an extended West African tour, Sh. Ibrâhîm Niasse, whose spiritual leadership he accepted after his visit to Kano in 1951, Sh. al-Hadi b. Mawlud Fal, Sh. Muhammad al-Tayyib b. ‘Allal, also a descendant of Ahmad al-Tijânî, Muhammad al-Hafîz al- Tijânî, head of the Cairo Tijânî zawiya and Mulay Idris ibn Muhammad al-‘Abid al-‘Iraqi, head of the Tijânî zawiya of Fez, ‘Aishah bint al-Qari‘a, and Alfa Nuh al-Masini.
Among the many other ijazas he received were two from Sh. Ahmad ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Kataghumi which the latter had received from Alfa Hashim. One set of these he compiled into a book entitled Khulasat al-ijaza li’l khalifa bi-asanid silsilatiha al-munifa (1360/1941). All of these ijazas were passed on to Sh. Sharif Ibrahim Saleh, author of Kitab al istidhkar, where the texts are given. Sh. Ibrahim Saleh says he also met with almost all of the Sufî shaykhs that Sh. ‘Atiq met with. Other disciples included Ahmad Abu’l Fat’hi al-Yarwawi, Balarabe Jega, Abu Bakr al-Miskin and Yahya Jibiya.
Much of Abu Bakr’s considerable scholarly output has been published, either locally or in Cairo, some in collected volumes (Majmû‘). The largest of these (Majmû‘ 1) contains 14 of his smaller works in a collection entitled Majmû‘ arba’a kutub.
Majmû‘ (Collected Volumes)]
Majmû‘ 1, published in Cairo: Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi, 1392/1972 (copy in NU/Hunwick, 81). The title [Majmû‘ arba’a kutub (collected volumes of four books)] conceals the fact that several of the main books in the collection incorporate other smaller works. Its contents are as follows:
1. Ifâdat al-murîd bi-sharâ’it shaykhinâ al-sadîd
2. Futûhât al-Mannân fîajwibat as’ilat al-ikhwân
3. Al-Nasîha ilâ kâffat ahl al-tarîqa
4. Raf‘ al-i‘tirad wa’l-malâm ‘amman qaddama al-mar’a li- talqîn wird khâtim al-a‘lam
5. Al-Fuyûdât al-Rahmâniyya fî’l-akhlâq al-Ahmadiyya al-Tijâniyya.
6. Husûl al-amânîfî’l-muqaddam al-Tijâni.
7. Raf’ al-akuff fî’1-marra al-akhîra min al-Jawhara âkhir al-wazîfa.
8. Istihbâb qirâ’at qasîdat Ibn al-Sâ’ih allatîmatla‘uhâ Allahu akbar lâ mujîra siwâhu bi-’‘tibârihâ khatman li- ad‘iyat al-wazîfa al-Tijâniyya.
9. Tanbîh al-nubahâ’ li’allâ yaghtarrû bi-qawl al-sufahâ’
10. Al-Fayd al-hâmi‘ fîtarâjim ahl al-sirr al-jâmi‘
11. Irshâd al-ahibba’ fînusûs tahrîm al-tabagha
12. Tanbîh al-ikhwân bi-nusûs al-a‘yân fîtahîrm al-dukhân
13. Al-Hall wa’l-itlâq li-ishârât miftâh al-aghlâq fîmad’h kahyr al-khalâ’iq
14. Ibrâz al-daqâ’iq al-kâmina fî‘l-nûr al-bâriq
Majmû‘ 2, published in Abeokuta: M. al-Mubâraka, 1365/1945 (copy in NU/Paden, 369), repr. Cairo: Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi 1380/1960 (copy in NU/Paden, 370) contain:
1. It’hâf al-ikhwa al-azkiya’ bi-sîrat khâtim al-awliyâ’
2. Miftâh al-aghlâq fîmad’h habîb al- Khallâq
3. Tarâ’iq al-wusûl ilâ hadrat Allâh wa’l-rasûl
Majmû‘ 3, published in Cairo: Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi, 1375/1957 (copy in NU/Paden, 3171) contains:
1. Ifâdat al-murîd bi-sharâ’it shaykhinâ al-sadîd
2. Futûhât al-Mannân fîajwibat as’ilat al-ikhwân
3. Al-Nasîha ilâ kâffat ahl al-tarîqa
4. Raf‘ al-i‘tirad wa’l-malâm ‘amman qaddama al-mar’a li- talqîn wird khâtim al-a‘lâm
5. Al-Fuyûdât al- Rahmâniyya fî’l-akhlâq al-Ahmadiyya al-Tijâniyya.
6. Husûl al-amânîfî’l-muqaddam al-Tijânî.
7. Raf’ al-akuff fî’1-marra al-akhîra min al-Jawhara âkhir al-wazîfa.
8. Istihbâb qirâ’at qasîdat Ibn al-Sâ’ih allatîmatla‘uhâ Allahu akbar lâ mujîra siwâhu bi-’‘tibârihâ khatman li- ad‘iyat al-wazîfa al-Tijâniyya.
Majmû‘ 4, published in Kano: Northern Maktabat Printing Press, 1384/1964 (copies in NU/Falke, 1288, 1397, NU/Hunwick, 38 and NU/Paden, 378) contains:
1. Ifâdat al-murîd bi-sharâ’it shaykhinâ al-sadîd.
2. Futûhât al-Mannân fîajwibat as’ilat al-ikhwân.
3. Al-Nasîha ilâ kâffat ahl al-tarîqa.
Majmû‘ 5, published in Wad Madani [Sudan]: Mk. al-Ahliyya, 1376/1956 (copy in NU/Paden, 379) contains:
1. Husûl al-amâni fî’1-muqaddam al-Tijânî.
2. Raf‘ al-i‘tirad wa’l-malâm ‘amman qaddama al-mar’a li- talqîn wird khâtim al-a‘lâm
3. Al-Fuyûdât al-Rahmâniyya fî’l-akhlâq al-Ahmadiyya al-Tijâniyya.
Other Scholarly Works
1. Abyât rakîka fî tahni’at qudûm Mûlây Muhammad b. ‘Umar.
37 verses celebrating the arrival in Kano of Mûlây al-hâjj Bin ‘Umar, a descendant of Sh. Ahmad al-Tijânî written on 17 Rabi' II 1368/16 February 1949.
MS: NU/Paden, 383.
Published Partial translation in Paden (1973), 109, n. 9.
2. Asl al-amânî.
See Paden (1972), 139, n. 64, for a summary of the passages dealing with women muqaddams.
Published Cairo: M. al-Munîrîyya, 1956.
3. Badhl al-nadâ fî hall alfâz qasîdat <Maqamun ladâ>.
Completed 10 Rajab 1379/9 January 1960.
Published Zaria: Gaskiya Press, 1361/1941, with author’s al-Nûr al-lâmi‘ (pp. 17-30), followed by taqrîz (8 verses) by Yusuf b. ‘Abd Allâh al-Lukujâwî (q. v.) (copy in NU/Hunwick, 314).
4. Fat’h al-Ahad fî’1-tawassul bi-bâqî shuhadâ’ Uhud.
Written in 1371/1952, the Fat’h is an addition to Alfa Hâshim’s poem on the martyrs of Uhud and incorporates a commentary on it.
Published with Alfa Hashim’s poem and the author’s It’hâf al-ahibbâ’ which is a commentary on it, Cairo: M. al-Zâwiya al-Tijânîyya, 1381/1961.
5. Al-Fat’h al-nûrânî fî bayân waj’h al-insilâkh ‘an awrâd al-mashâ’ikh li-akhdh wird al-Tijânî.
Published Cairo: Mustafâ al-Bâbî al-Halabî, 1377/1958 with Ahmad Tijânî ‘Uthmân, Raf‘ al-haraj and pseudo-Muhammad Bello, Tahqîq al-murîbîn (copy in NU/Paden, 382).
6. Al-Fayd al-hâmi‘ fî tarâjim ahl al-sirr al-jâmi‘.
Biographies of prominent Tijânî personalities, completed 7 Sha‘bân 1362/9 August 1943. An expanded prose version of his Mafâtîh al-aqfâl.
MSS: Niamey, 542, Timbuktu, 328.
Published Cairo: M. al-Munîriyya, 1376/1956 (copy in NU/Paden, 381) and in Majmû‘ 1.
7. Futûhat al-Mannân fî ajwibat as’ilat al-ikhwân.
Published in Majmû‘ 3 and 4.
8. Al-Fuyûdât al-Rahmâniyya fî’1-akhlâq al-Ahmadiyya al- Tijâniyya.
Written in 1359/1940 and based on the Mablagh al-amânî of ‘Umar al-Wâli al-Zakzakî (q.v.) and the ‘Awârif al-ma‘ârif of ‘Umar b. Muhammad al-Suhrawardî (d. 632/1234, see GAL I, 440, S I, 789).
Published in Majmû‘ 3 and 5.
9. Hadiyyat al-ahbâb wa’l-khillân.
A diwân of his poetry.
Published Edition Muhammad al-Amin ‘Umar, al-Shaykh Abû Bakr ‘Atiq wa-diwânuhu Hadiyyat al-ahibba wa’l-khillân,
Cairo: M. al-Zahrâ’ li’1-I‘lâm al-‘Arabi-Kano: Zâwiyat Ahl al-Fayda al-Tijâniyya, 1988.
10. Al-Hall wa’l-itlâq li-ishârât miftâh al-aghlâq fî mad’h khayr al-khalâ’iq
Commentary on author’s Mîftâh al-aghlâq
Published in Majmû‘ 1, followed by a tashtîr by Nasiru Kabara (q.v.).
11. Hușûl al-amânî fî’1-muqaddam al-Tijânî
Warns muqaddams not to take money from disciples before giving them the wird (litany). See Muhammad al-Amîn ‘Umar (1988), 32.
Published in Majmû‘ 3 and 5.
12. I‘ânat al-balîd bi-sharâ’iț wird shaykhina [al-sadîd].
Probably a simplifîed version of no. 13 below.
Published in Zaria, n.d., for Alhaji Bala Kano Jingare (see Paden (1968), iii, 1322).
13. I‘ânat al-buladâ’ bi’l-manzûma al-raqtâ’
See Muhammad al-Amîn ‘Umar (1988), 27, who says it is a simplified learner’s grammar of Arabic in 110 verses
14. Ibrâz al-daqâ’iq al-kâmina fî’1-nur al-bâriq.
Commentary on his verses entitled ał-Nur aI-barîq.
Published in Majmû‘‘1.
15. Ibrîq al-fayd al-rabbânî fî mad’h khalîfat al-shaykh al-Tijânî.
Hausa poem in praise of Sh. Ibrâhim Niasse. See Paden (1972), 136-7.
Published Zaria, 1963.
16. Ifâdat al-murîd bi-sharâ’it [wird] shaykhinâ al-sadîd.
Written in 1357/1939. See Paden (1972), 139, n. 64, for summary of his arguments about female muqaddams. Muhammad al-Amîn 'Umar (1988), 30, says it was written in 1365/1946.
MS: Kaduna (NA), D/AR1/178.
Published in Majmû‘ 1, 3 and 4; Paden (1968), iii, 1322, seems to indicate an abridged version published in Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, 1961. Muhammad al-Amîn ‘Umar (1988), 30, mentions an edition published in Cairo: Mușțafâ al-Bâbi al-Halabî, 1392/1972.
17. Ifâdat al-mu’taqidîn bi-adillat sihhat mâ ‘alayhi al-dhâkirîn.
A response to the criticism of some Egyptian ‘ulamâ’ on Radio Cairo of communal dhikr. Brief extract in Paden (1972), 125, n. 37.
Published in Ibadan: M. Yanbaghî Shukr Allâh, n.d. [c. 1960] (copy in NU/Paden, 377).
18. Irsâl al-a’inna fînazm asmâ’ wa-ta’rîkh salâtîn Katsina.
107 verses on the history of the rulers of Katsina, dated 21 Shawwâl 1373/22 June 1954.
MSS: Ibadan (UL), 547; NU/Hunwick, 290.1.
19. Irshâd al-ahibbâ’ fî nușûs tahrim al-tabagha.
Verses on the prohibition of smoking. Opens: A‘ûdhu bi-rabb al-nâs min kulli fîtnah * Wa-kulli mâ yulhî wa-kulli baliyyah.
MS: NU/Falke, 1208.
Published in Majmû‘ 1; Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, n.d. (copy in NU/Hunwick, 313).
20. Istihbâb qirâ’at qașîdat Ibn al-Sâ‘ih allatî matla‘uhâ <Allâhu akbaru la mujîra siwâhu> bi-i‘tibârihâ khatman li-ad‘iyat al-wazîfa al-Tijânîyya.
Published Cairo: Mușțafâ al-Bâbî al-Halabî, 1375/1956, 1972, and in Majmû‘ 1.
21. It’hâf (‘or’ Irshâd) al-ahibbâ bi-dhikr waq‘at Uhud wa-man kâna bihâ min al-shuhadâ.
Commentary on poem of Alfa Hâshim on intercession through the martyrs of the Battle of Uhud (3/625) and poem of the author on the same subject.
Published Cairo: M. al-Zâwiya al-Tijâniyya, 1371/1952, with author’s Fat’h al-Ahad and the takhmîs of his al-Mawâhib al-Ahadiyya begun by Nasiru Kabara and completed by the author, with a biography of Alfa Hâshim and Sh. Muhammad al-Hafîz (copy in NU/Paden, 376); n.p. [Kano], 1380/1960, with similar additional works (copy in NU/Hunwick, 37).
22. It’hâf al-ikhwa al-azkiyâ’ bi-sîrat khatm al-awliyâ’.
Biography of Sh. Ahmad al-Tîjânî in 234 verses.
Opens: Bi’smi Ilah al-’arsh bad’î wa-khatmatî * Wa -uthannî bi-hamdi’llâhi Wâhibi minnatî. Paden (1973), 135, n. 59, has an analysis of the book (wrongly titled Inhâf al-azkiyâ’ “Weakening of the sinless”), for which he records a Cairo, 1946 edition. In Paden (1968), III, 1323, a date of 1938 is given, presumably the date of composition.
Published in Abeokuta: M. al-Mubâraka, 1365/1945, with author’s Miftâh al-aghlâq and Țarâ’iq al-wușûl (copy in NU/Paden, 369); Cairo: Mustafa al-Bâbî al-Halabî, 1380/1960 (copy in NU/Paden, 370).
23. It’hâf al-muhtâj bi-turfat al-hâjj fî’l-salât ‘ala sâhib al-tâj.
Prayers for the prophet for the use of pilgrims, taken away from the hâshiya of al-Mahdî al- Wazzani (called al-Kawâkib al-sayyâra) on the commentary Al-Durr al-yatîm of Muhammad Mayyâra (d. 1072/1624) on al-Murshid al-mu‘în of ‘Abd al-Wâhid ibn ‘Âshir (d. 1040/1631, see GAL S II, 699). And the hâshiya of Muhammad b. Qâsim al-Qâdirî on the commentary of Muhammad al-Tayyib b. ‘Abd Al-Majîd b. Kirân (d. 1227/1812) on the same work. Dated 7 Dhu ’1-Qa‘da 1391/25 December 1971.
Published Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, for the author, n.d. (copy in NU/Hunwick, 345).
24. Izâhat at-shajan bi-tarjamat Sh. Mahmûd b. Al-Hassan.
Written in 1363/1944. Biography of his shaykh Mahmûd b. al-Hasan (q.v.)
Published in Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, n.d. with author’s Tahsîl al-watar and an elegy for Sh. Mahmûd (copy in NU/Hunwick, 27)
25. Jâlibat al-amânî bi’l-istighâtha bi’l-shaykh Ahmad al-Tijânî
Qasîda Lâmiyya in 80 verses. See Muhammad al-Amin ’Umar (1988), 31.
26. Al-Jawâb al-khâlis al-samîm ‘alâ wathîqat al-hâjj Ahmad Abd al-Karîm.
A reply to those who deny the necessity of tarbiya.
Published n.p.. n.d. (copy in NU/Hunwick, 298).
27. Al-Khanjar al-rabbânî fî dhab’h a‘dâ’ tarîqat al-Tijânî.
24 verses defence of the Tijânîyya, completed 1 Dhu ’1-Qa‘da 1358/13 December 1939.
MS: Jos, 1321.
28. Khulâsat al-ijâza li ’l-khalîfa bi-asânîd silsilatihâ al-munîfa.
A statement of the ijâzas granted to him by Alfa Hâshim, written in 1360/1941.
29. Mafâtih al-aqfâl fî’1-tawassul bi-akâbir al-rijâl.
Verses on the ten men to whom the Prophet and Sh. al-Tijânî promised to grant the “grand illumination” (al-fat’h al-akbar), and nine to whom Sh. al-Tijânî gave instruction in the “protecting litanies” (adhkar aI-tahsin). At the end is his Silsilat al-ma‘ârif—his spiritual genealogy back to al-Tijânî through Sh. Skîraj, as well as his al-Silsila al- Hâshimiyya. See his Fayd, 4-5.
30. Manâhil al-rashâd fî’1-ajwiba an as’ilat ahl Tshâd.
Replies to questions emanating from the Republic of Chad.
Published in Cairo: Mustafâ al-Babi al-Halabi, 1395/1975. (copy in NU/Hunwick, 48); 3rd printing 1397/1977 (copy in Kano (HCB), uncat.).
31. Al-Mawâhib al-Ahadiyya.
Poem begun by Nasiru Kabara and completed by ‘Atiq. See his It’hâf al-ahibbâ’ above.
32. Miftâh al-aghlâq fî mad’h habîb al-khallâq.
Poem in praise of the Prophet. Opens: Mad’hi lahu qad kâna fî atrâqî * Lâ mâ asturuhu ‘ala ’l-awrâqî.
Published 10 verses in Haraka, 183-4; also with both editions of the author’s It’hâf al-ikhwa.
Commentary by author: al-Hall wa'l-itlâq.
33. Mufîdat al-khillân fî ithbât wujûb al-murabbîn fî kulli zamân.
Completed 11 Rabi‘ I 1382/12 August 1962. Mai Gari (1981), 507, gives R. muqayyad al-khillân fî ithbât wujûd al-murabbîn. Paden (1968), iii, 1323, Risala al-mufîda.
Published in Ibadan: M. Yanbaghi Shukr Allah, n.d. [c. 1962] (copy in NU/Paden, 375).
34. Nas’h al-ahbâb ‘an qubûl aqâwîl ahl al-irtiyâb.
Completed 23 Rajab 1375/5 April 1956.
Published in Kano: M. al-amiriyya, n.d. (copy in NU/Paden. 368).
35. Nashr tîb al-âs fî’l-rihla li-ziyârat sayyidinâ Abî ’1-‘Abbâs bi-Fâs
Published in Cairo: Mustafâ al-Bâbî Al-Halabî, 1969 (see Muhammad al- Amîn 'Umar (1988), 29).
36. Al-Nasîha ilâ kâffat ahl al-tariqa.
On mistakes made in the recitation of the Tijâniyya litanies with a section on the disciples’ comportment (âdâb al-murîd) taken from the Kitab al-rimah of al-hâjj 'Umar b. Sa’îd.
Published in Majmû‘ 3.
37. Al-Nasîha al-mu‘ajjala fî’l-tahdhîr ‘an al-dajâjila.
Attack on false claims to be a “deputy” of Sh. Ibrâhim Niasse.
See Thaqâfa, 317. Published n.p., 1378/1958-9.
38. Al-Nûr al-bâriq fî mad’h khayr al-khalâ’iq.
This is the poem on which he wrote a commentary entitled Ibrâz al-haqa’iq.
39. Al-Nûr al-lâmi‘ fî mad’h al-habib al-Shâfî‘.
Based on the Prophet’s names in al-Jazuli’s Dalâ’il al-khayrât.
Published in n.p. [Kano], n.d. followed by author’s Badhl al-nadâ (copy in NU/Hunwick, 314).
40. Qașâ’id:
i) Qasîda: Dâliyya. A-yâ ‘ayni ibkî li-hâdhâ '1-faqîdî * wa-yâ qalbî ihraq wa-kun ka’l-waqîdî.
Elegy in 34 verses, for Sh. Abû Bakr Mijinyawa, dated 25 Jumâdâ I 1366/16 April 1947.
Published full text in Fayd, l2 -14-; 4 verses. in Thaqâfa 146.
ii) Qasîda: Hamziyya. Ta‘azzaytu nafsî wa-‘azz al-‘azâ’û * Li- faqdi imâmî fa-haqq al-bukâ’û.
Elegy in 36 verses. for Sh. Muhammad Salga. Published text in Nayl al-wațar.
iii) Qasîda: Fî rithâ’ Mahmûd b. al-Hassan.
Elegy for Sh. Mahmûd b. al-Hassan, composed 9 Muharram 1363/5 January 1944. Opens: Saqâ ‘llâhu Rabb al-nâsi fi kulli lahzah * Qubûran bi-May Karghû bi-wâbili raft rahmah.
Published at end of his Izâhat al-shajan.
iv) Qasîda: al-Qutb.
Verses in praise of Sh. Ibrâhîm Niasse, see Tahir (1975), 571.
41. Qatf al-thimâr al-yâni‘a bi -nazm manthûr al-wasâyâ li-shaykhinâ al-Tijânî al-jâmi‘a
Verse of the section of the Jawahir al-ma‘ânî of Sh. Ali Harâzim on wasâya and the Tahsîl al-amânî of ‘Umar al-Wâlî al-Zakzakï.
Paden (1973), 135, n. 59, lists Qatf al-thimâr li-sîrat khatm al-awliyâ, published in Abeokuta, 1938.
Published in Cairo: M. a1-zâwiya al-Tijâniyya, 1366/1946 (copies in NU/Paden, 346, Kano (HCB), uncat.); Cairo: Mușțafâ al-Bâbî al- Halabî, 1971.
42. Raf‘ al-akuff fî’1-marra al-akhîra min al-Jawhara âkhir al-wazîfa.
Published in Majmû‘ 1 and 3.
43. Raf‘ al-i‘tirad wa’l-malâm ‘amman qaddama al-mar’a li- talqîn wird khâtim al-a‘lâm
On the permissibility of appointing female muqaddams.
Published in Majmû‘ 1 and 3.
44. Risâla ilâ ’1-Shaykh Muhammad al-Hâfiz al-Mișrî.
See Muhammad al-Amîn Umar (1988), 16, who says it contains biographical details. It is unpublished, but a copy is preserved in Sh. ‘Atïq’s library in Kano.
45. Al-Sârim al-mashrafi al-maslûl ‘alâ ’l-munkir al-ghabî.
Response to al-Nafahât al-Nâsiriyya of Nasiru Kabara. Nasiru Kabara wrote a reply, but was persuaded by friends not to prolong the dispute, and hence it was never published. See S.U. Kabara (1981), 137-41, where a summary of the reply is given.
Published in Zaria: Gaskiya Corpn., 1379/1969 (copy in NU/Hunwick, 260).
46. Tafrîh qulûb ațâyib al-anfâs bi-dhikr al-‘awda li-ziyârat al-quțb al-maktûm Sayyidinâ Abî ’1-’Abbâs b. Muhammad al-Tijânî bi-madînat Fâs.
Written in 1390/1970.
Published in Cairo: Mușțafâ al-Bâbi al-Halabî, 1392/1972 (copy in NU/Hunwick, 67).
47. Tahdhir al-‘ișâba al-Ahmadiyya at-Tijâniyya min al-i‘tirâd bi-aqâwîl al-Nafahât al-Nâsiriyya.
Response to al-Nafahât al-Nâșiriyya of Nasiru Kabara. See Paden (1972), 143-4 for a brief translated extract.
Published in Kano, 1958 (copy in NU/Paden, 361).
48. Tahsîl al-amânî fî bayân qawl al-Shaykh <wa-man ahabbanî wa-man ra’ânî”.
Comm. on a verse in one of the poems of Ibrahim Niasse.
Published in Kano: Yan Kasa, 1968; Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, n.d. (copy in Kano (HCB), uncat.).
49. Tahsîl al-watar fi tarjamat Muhammad Salgha b. al-hâjj ‘Umar.
Biography of Muhammad Salga (q.v.) written in 1351/1932.
Published in Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, n.d., with author’s Izâhat al-shajan (copy in NU/Hunwick, 27).
50. Takhmîs Qasîdat al-Mawâhib al-Ahadiyya fî madh al-hadra al-Muhammadiyya.
Published in with author’s Ithâf al-ahibbâ’.
51. Tanbîh al-asdiqâ’ an lâ yaghtarû bi-maw‘izat al-aghbiyâ’ alladhîna yastani’ûna turuq al-awliyâ’.
Tahir (1975), 571, describes this as a “polemical discussion of the Sufi concept of moral spiritual status ranks”, and refers to a mimeograph (1968). See also Muhammad al-Amîn 'Umar (1988), 31.
52. Tanbîh al-Ikhwân bi-nusûs al-a‘yân ‘alâ tahrîm al-dukhân.
Published in with author’s Ithâf (or Irshâd) al-ahibbâ’ ’alâ nusûs tahrîm al-tabagha.
53. Tanbîh al-ikhwân bi-takdhîb sâhib al-khabâl al-tâ’in li-Jawharat al-kamâl fi ’l salât ’alâ sayyid al-rijâl.
Written in 1392/1972.
Published in n.p., n.d. (copy in NU/Hunwick, 40); Zaria: Gaskiya Corpn., 1972 (copy in Kano (HCB), uncat.).
54. Tanbîh al-nubahâ’ li’allâ yaghtarrû bi-qawl al-sufahâ‘
Completed 20 Sha‘bân 1391/10 October 1971.
Advice to Tijânîs not to be swayed by opponents who assert that one cannot see the Prophet in a waking state, as well as those who say that Sufism is taken from the Jews.
Published in in Majmû‘ 1; Kano: M. Yan Kasa, 1971; n.p., n.d., with Marzûq al-Tijânî al-Ansâri, Lamhat al-wajh al-aqsam fî ma’nâ kalimat al-asqam (copy in NU/Hunwick, 252).
55. Taqrîz ‘alâ Sabîl al-muhtadî.
Completed 12 Jumâdâ II 1347/24 November 1928.
Published in at end of Mahmûd b. al-Hasan, Sabîl al-muhtadî (q.v.).
56. Tarâ’iq al-wusûl ilâ hadrat Allâh wa’l-rasûl.
Devotional poem. Opens: A-lâ hal ilâ dark alladhi anâ tâmi’û * Tarîqu wusûlin am li-dhâka mâni‘û.
Published in Abeokuta: M. al-Mubâraka, 1365/1945, with author's Ithâf al-ikhwa al-adhkiyâ’ and Miftâh al-aghlâq (copy in NU/Paden, 369).
57. Tazyîn al-sulûk bi-ta’rîkh mâ li-hisn Kanû min al-mulûk.
113 verses. on the history of Kano.
MSS: Ibadan (UL), 586; NU/Hunwick, 290.2, with 16 verses. add., dated 10 Jumâdâ II 1383/28 October 1963.
58. Thamarât al-anwâr fî ‘l-tawassul bi’l-nabî al-mukhtâr.
Completed 27 Dhû ‘l Qa'da 1389/29 October 1978. The printed edition consists of 16 pp. of text, followed by 15 pp. of commendations by nine different scholars.
Published in Kano: Northern Maktabat Press, n.d. (copy in NU/Hunwick, 356).
In Hausa
59. ‘Aybat al-fuqarâ’ fî mad’h khâtim al-awliyâ’
96 verses in praise of Sh. Ahmad al-Tijâni, written in 1357/1938. See Hiskett (1975), 192-3.
MSS: NU/Falke, 823, 1494, 1711, 1871.
Published in Kano: Jola-Ade Printers, for Muhammad Sise Mat 'Idwi, 1389/1969 (copies in NU/Falke, 1278; NU/Paden, 240): Kano, 1960, for Muhammad Mijinyawa & Husayn Wasa (see Paden (1968), iii, 1322).
60. Munjiyat al-niswân wa’l-wildân min al-wuqû‘ ‘fi ‘l-nîrân.
Written in 1958 (Paden (1968), iii, 1322).
Published in Zaria: Gaskiya Corpn., n.d. (copy in NU/Falke, 1433).
61. Raqâ Du'â’.
Poem, opens: al-Hamdu li’llâhi mu gode Allah * Mu‘ininâ mataimakinna jalla (information from Malam Muhammad aI-Bashîr Bukhârî al-Tijânî, Kano). Cf. Tahir (l975), 152, who refers to a work called Raqa’atu which he describes as “an ingenious lesson on Arabic language constructed in verse in a mixture of Hausa and Arabic”.
Compiled by: Prof. John O. Hunwick
(with the Assistance of Prof. Razaq Abubakre, Dr. Hamidu Bobboyi, Dr. Roman Loimeier, Prof. Stefan Reichmuth and Dr. Muhammad Sani Umar)
– Arabic Literature of Africa Vol.II
Chapter of Quotes on “Abubakar Atiqu”;
Chapter 7 “Kano: Emirs and Tijânîyya Writers”, pages 287-300.
al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muḥammad)
by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation
& Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English
Further Reading on Sheikh Atiqu:
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• Al-Bayān wa-t Tabyīn ‘anni-t Tijāniyyati wa-t Tijāniyyīn
• Tanbīhu-l adhkiyā’ fī kawn Ash-Shaykh At-Tijānī Khātim al-Awliyyā
• Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb bi-Mad’h al-Mustafā al-hibb ilā Hadrat Ar-Rabb
• Majmū’ Rihlāt Ash-Shaykh Ibrāhīm [Ar-Rihlat al-Hijaziyya al-ūlā, Nayl al-Mafāz al-awd ilā-l Hijāz, Ar-Rihlat al-Kanāriyya wal Kumāshiyya, Ar-Rihlat al-Kunākriyya]
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