man who was blessed with the Mastery of Arabic language and the Memorization of
the entire Quran after a handshake from Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse}
name you TEACHER (USTAZ), Muhammad Anan."
Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
was a man name Muhammad Anan "teacher". He was the most knowledgable
man I've ever met. He is the one that was given Mastery of the Arabic language
and Memorization of entire Quran with one handshake from Shaykh Ibrahim, when
he met him in kotoka international airport in Ghana.
was my first teacher. He was an Arif with amazing gifts and he is the man that
introduced my dad to Shaykh Ibrahim back in the late 40's. Teacher was a
"strange" aesthetic:-) he was a walking miracle.
life-long Teacher, Muhammad Anan, who everyone simply called "Teacher",
passed away.
is one of the three men I mentioned in an earlier post regarding the men that
stepped in when my beloved father died.
was in essence like a Grandfather to me and all of my siblings.
is the man that first introduced my father to Shaykh Ibrahim Niass in the 40's!
had moved to the United States in the late 80's and lived with my older sister
in Brooklyn.
was the first real "Sufi" that I had the honor to be close to. I use
the word "Sufi" for him because of his strict adherence to the
Sharia, his complete realization of the Haqiqa, his asceticism and his utter
guy was amazing. I would visit him several times every week in his
closet-sized, book-filled bedroom in the basement of my sisters home.
was tall, lanky, extremely handsome and always wore all white clothing.
would sit with him for hours as he made me tea and fed me crackers. He would
tell me about the Messenger of Allah, the Awliya and our beloved Tijani
never failed to mesmerize me each time. He would make my spiritual aspirations
excel at those meetings in his room. He would make me "see" the glory
of God and his magnificent works. If I had any problems, he would always solve
them for me with the permission of God from the Holy Quran.
was the greatest "spiritual Doctor" I've ever met. But I will not do
him justice without fully recounting to y'all the reason why he was given the
nickname of "Teacher" by no other than Shaykh Ibrahim Niass himself.
story I am going to tell you now has been told to me by Shaykh Hassan Cisse
himself, by Khalifa Alhaj Abdulahi Niass and his khadim Ali, by my Father Ahmed
Dimson, by my Quran teacher Malam Mudaris and by countless others. Most
importantly, it was told to me by Teacher himself. All of the great Tijani
Ulema Alive today can attest to the truth of this account. ALL OF THEM.
started off as a catholic priest in Ghana, west Africa. He was an extreme
intellectual that was coming up quickly in the ranks of young catholic priests
in Ghana. He was so pious and intelligent that he was sent as a special envoy
by the Vatican to the middle-east to learn about Islam, so that he could return
to Ghana and effectively refute the growing Islamic threat. His mission was to
learn and return to convert young Muslims to Catholicism.
traveled to Saudi and arab gulf states to learn about Islam. But his original
intention was to learn about Islam and fight Muslims with that knowledge.
traveled for a year throughout the Mid-East and returned to Ghana newly
converted Muslim...Allahu Akbar!
was the laughing-stock of his neighborhood and a source of jokes at his job as
an administrator at Accras International Airport!
told me that all he knew were Surah Al-Fatiha and how to greet with the
salaams. He barely knew how to pray and was embarrassed to approach the local
Muslims because of his former hostile relations with them before converting. So
he had a small pamphlet and studied it when in his office at work or at home.
day as he sat in his office working, a colleague came to him and informed him
jokingly that one of his "people" had arrived from Senegal and did
not speak English or any of the Ghanian languages and was simply sitting in the
arrivals hall.
snapped at his colleague for "bothering" him about such a thing and
to go bother someone else. His colleague laughed and said..." He is
clearly a Muslim because he has the Muslim clothes on and a Turban on his
head". Teacher slammed the door in his colleague's face and continued to
later, Teacher's supervisor came to him in his office and repeated what the
colleague had said about the "strange and Quiet Muslim man sitting in the
arrivals hall".
supervisor suggested teacher go try to see what his fellow brother in faith was
waiting for and if he was lost or something. Teacher moaned and groaned and
protested to his boss that he didn't see how he could be of any help! He was
actually quite embarrassed. But his boss insisted.
relented and began to walk towards the arrivals hall and the strange visitor.
As he approached, he realized that there were actually 3 men there together. He
immediately spotted the one that seemed to be the leader, with the turban on.
he approached the man....
I began to get a strange feeling of fear and anxiety. This man made me nervous.
As I approached him he was sitting there with his head down. I stopped a few
steps in front of him and all I knew to say was Salaamualaikum.....
Ibrahim Niass..... Lifting his head to look directly at Teacher and
said...."Wa'Alaikum Salaaaaaaaam"
Ibrahim Extended his hand and teacher grabbed it for a shake. Shaykh Ibrahim
simply held on to teachers hand as he elongated the Salaaaaaam....
the Shaykh released the hand of Teacher, Shaykh smiled at Teacher and began to
talk to him in ARABIC!!
is your name?"
..... Muhammad Anan."
I name you TEACHER (USTAZ), Muhammad Anan. Allah has answered my prayer and now
you have Arabic language. Also I pray he give you Quran completely. Please take
me to my students here in Ghana and be my interpreter."
No problem. Please tell me your name...."
please wait for me here until I return. I must tell my boss that I'm escorting
was it.
had made Teacher fluent in Arabic and had made him a Hafiz-Quran in less than a
then on, he traveled with Shaykh Ibrahim and traveled as a lecturer and teacher
to the middle-east on behalf of Shaykh.
Barhama Diop famously said about Teacher after watching him talk about Islam on
Egyptian television interview..."Allah has made a stone speak words,
through the prayer of Shaykh Ibrahim!"
was responsible for my fathers and countless others introduction to Islam and
Shaykh Ibrahim Niass.
trained people in Adab towards the Shaykh and he remained one of the
"miracles" of God that was given to us as a proof of Allah's
greatness and his favor towards Shaykh Ibrahim.
of you reading this are probably completely lost lol. Don't worry, perhaps
you'll get it one day.
those of you that find it unbelievable to believe that a person can be gifted
with a language as well as memorization of the entire Quran in an instant, I
will respond as Shaykh Hassan responded to someone regarding this
miracle..." It is more amazing for a person to become a believer in an instant
after being a Kafir. This has happened countless times throughout our history.
Teacher was the first blow that year......
after that, I was indicted by the Feds. The highs and lows of life were getting
more and more extreme.
was on a roller-coaster ride that would not end.......
been almost a year since I created the contest on behalf of Fayda Books, for
anyone to present the full picture of Baye Niass sitting with hands raised in
picture. I explained that the pictures full contents had been altered or hidden
from everyone for over 50 years.
here is the original photograph that was taken by my father Ahmed Dimson, over
50 years ago when Baye came to Ghana for a
visit. There is a miracle associated with this picture and I would like to
recount it as told to me by my Father and my "Teacher" who is the man
that was hidden, in the pic.
Baye Niass had arrived in Ghana to visit his Murids (students). There were tens
of thousands of people awaiting his arrival at the airport.
his airplane landed, people went into a frenzy. They were about to be in the
presence of the man that represented what it means to be a Khalifa of inheritor of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).... a man that had
brought millions of people from all corners of the earth into the direct
presence and experiential knowledge of God Himself. This was the
incomprehensible Gawth and Qutb, Shaykh al-Islam Alhajj Ibrahim Niass!
he departed the airplane, the crowd went wild! They began chanting Allahs name
in unison...Laillahaillalah.....Laillahaillalah......Laillahaillalah.......
site of his beautiful face brought people to tears. Muslims and Non-muslims
were all in awe. His presence emanated pure Ubudiyya (Servanthood to Allah).
His gaze over the crowd of thousands was one of amazement. His face shown the
confusion and love that a lover experiences when he has first seen his beloved
after a long absence.
was, for his followers, the most perfect personification of the Messenger of
God on earth. The vicegerant of our Grand Shaykh, the Qutbul Makhtum, Shaykh Ahmed
Tijani (RA).
contigent of his senior Muqaddams from each tribe in Ghana were waiting for him
at the foot of the airplane, also there was the President of the country, Kwame
him being the famous President and freedom fighter for all of Africa, his
presence there was completely overshadowed by the presence of Baye. He was a
lover of Baye and had to be among the people that were receiving him. My father
was with his group (Ga tribe), they were the smallest group there. Ga people
had only really begun to embrace Islam in large numbers, since the advent of
the Tijani Fayda at the hands of Shaykh Ibrahim. Our tribe were more commonly
of the christain faith and animist
beliefs. Islam was foreign to them, but Baye Niass had begun to penetrate their
hearts by guiding them into the presence of Allah and annihilation in the love
of the Prophet of God (SAW). The Hausa tribe and Dagomba tribe had the largest
delegation and were the most ardent and
longest standing peoples in Tariqa Tijaniyya in Ghana and Nigeria.
everyone wanted to meet the Shaykh at the foot of the stairs because he would
immediately raise his hands to supplicate Allah with them and then engage them
with salutations and hugs. The Ga tribes leader and senior
Muqaddam was a man named Ibrahim Amatey. Shaykh Ibrahim smiled at him, shook
his hand and looked over to my father and said....."Ahmed,
Salaamualaikum. Where is Teacher?" My father could not look Shaykh
directly in the face out of respect, but he just smiled because Shaykh had
merely said his name lol! He smiled and responded..."Wa alaykum Salaam
Shehu, teacher is late and could not get through the security gate to come on
the tarmac" Shaykh Ibrahim replied...'Ok, tell him to come
to me in the house, I'll be staying at Ibrahim (Amatey) house.
father immediately rushed off to go find Teacher and inform him that their
Shaykh was requesting his presence. It took hours until my dad could find
Teacher. Teacher was sitting on a bench
outside of the airport in tears.
dad asked him what was wrong and he told my dad..."I failed Ahmed!....My
Shaykh came and I could not properly receive him" My Father smiled and
told him what Shaykh had said and Teacher immediatel regained his happiness and energy
and they hailed a taxi to take them to the residence that Shaykh was staying
at. When they got there it was utter chaos outside of the house in the streets
and surrounding neighborhoods.
throngs of people had tripled since the airport and it was absolute Mayhem.
Teacher and my dad were in the struggle of their lives to try to get through to
see Shaykh Ibrahim. They kept
trying to explain to security officers who they were but that did not matter.
People were trying to get a glimpse of Shaykh...everyone was!
much perseverance and much fighting lol, they finally made it to the door of
the residence....MORE RESISTANCE! The people combined with security were in a
struggle to cram
through the doors.Teacher pulled my father out of the scuffle and told him to
follow him around to a side entrance that nobody knew about. The house was that
of their leader Ibrahim Amatey, so they knew the premises well.
They snuck through an entrance and started making their way to the main
quarters were the Shaykh would be sitting with dignitaries and senior
Muqaddams. The house was packed with people as they quietly moved through the
of a sudden it became quiet and someone yelled out that Shaykh was about to
make Dua.....Teacher was pulling my father by the hand to try to make it into
the area were Shaykh was,
so as to 'catch' the supplication. The anouncer was saying
the time they could make it to the space were Shaykh was, it was over!!!
Another heart-break!!!! And to add insult to injury, the security officers
around that part of the house refused to let them into that particular room and
began beating teacher. They were
within a few feet of Shaykh but were being held back. My father pulled out his
camera and snapped one quick picture. Shaykh noticed the camera flash and
looked directly at my dad and said in a loud voice....."AHMED WERE IS
USTADZ?) My dad pointed behind him to were the guards had Teacher hemmed up
at" Shaykh Ibrahim
stood up and said..."LET MY SONS THROUGH!" dad said it was like
the red sea opening for Prophet Musa lol!!!! They walked over to Shaykh,
bloody, bruised and battered.
in front of him in tears and were silent. Teacher said..."Shehu
welcome" Then teacher began to cry profusely. The site of my fathers
teacher crying in such a way caused him to begin crying as well. Shaykh Ibrahim
said, 'dont worry, Allah has accepted your struggle and will fullfill your
desire' He Smiled and got up to take a rest in the next room.
father and Teacher stayed for some time, totally tired but somewhat satisfied
and finally left.
stayed in Ghana for some days and left.
father only managed to take the one picture of Shaykh the entire time he was
there. A few days later, he went to get the film developed.
the picture came out, it had Shaykh Ibrahim making supplication with Teacher
behind him also supplicating! Only the two of them in the whole picture. It was
a miracle and confirmation
of what Shaykh had said about Allah accepting his struggle to simply make supplication
with his Shaykh. His desire was thus truly proven to be fulfilled.
picture has been obscured and folded, to remove teacher from the picture for a
very long time. So, anytime this picture is posted anywhere, youll only see
Shaykh Ibrahim in it and the right top corner folded. Alhamdulilah, today, the
story and picture have come back to us as a sign and help to increase us in
Faith in Allah,
Love for his Prophet (SAW) love for our Shaykh, Alhajj Ibrahim Niass and belief
that Allah accepts our struggles for his sake and will always fulfill our
purely good desires.
Below are some pictures of Shaykh Ibrahim with Teacher and My father in them. Another is
a picture of Shaykh Ibrahims 1st Khalifa Alhajj Abdullahi Niass. Finally, some
pictures of Teacher taken in the 90s by my dad.
is buried in Accra, next to 2 other Amazing Murids of Shaykh Ibrahim, they are
Shaykh Jibril Madaha (One of the greatest and favorite Hausa Poets of Shaykh)
and Maalam Idrisu Sufi (One of the greatest ascetics and Murids
of Shaykh)
repost this picture and let it become widespread!
Allah bless us all to truly know him......
Allah Give us Allah.
Ahmed Dimson.

1. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Dala'ilu l khairat of Shaikh Sulaiman Jazuli (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
6. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
7. Hizbul Bahri (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
8. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
9. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
10. A Brief Biography of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
11. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
12. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
13. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
14. Numerous “English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
15. Numerous “Arabic” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
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